This episode on breast cancer awareness sets out to discuss the most important aspect of Breast Cancer prevention and control. The main aim of these awareness programs is to educate the public on Breast Cancer, its presence amongst us and the risk factors associated with it; in order to identify cases early on to enable prompt treatment of these invasive cells as well as avoid risk factors.
This is a call for all to work together to ensure we save our precious boobs from the invasiveness of these fast growing cells that can evade and weaken the immune system of a healthy human.
Early Detection: Being proactive with health means taking action to lower the chances of developing Breast Cancer. Research has proven over time that cancer can be cured and eradicated effectively if detected early with progressive treatment commencing immediately.
There are various stages of cancer from stage 0-4 depending on the invasiveness of the cancer, that means whether it is limited to one location or it has spread to other areas of the body. Breast cancer is classified into stages based on size of cancer, whether it is invasive or non-invasive, is it in the lymph nodes and has it spread to the other breast or other parts of the body.
The stage at which cancer is identified in the breast will usually determine the method of treatment and the likely outcome of the disease (the earlier the stage, the better the prognosis or outcome).
This topic will be addressed in three ways:
-The symptoms of Breast Cancer;
- Physical examination and
- Clinical screening.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer:
Most symptomatic lesions are found on the primary organ the breast, which can be on either one or both at the same time.
The presence of Breast Cancer is associated with certain easily identifiable symptoms. These include but are not limited to lumps (feels like frozen pea); dimpling of skin; changes in breast size, shape or color; swelling, soreness or rash, redness or darkening, inverted or flat nipple; nipple discharge; new pain in one spot that does not go away; persistent itching, presence of bumps that resemble bug bites to mention a few.
Physical Examination:
This should be conducted immediately after each monthly menstrual period. To do this, check using the fingers up to the collarbone, breastbone over sides and armpit. Record changes and check back in 2-3 weeks, if there is any abnormality, see a doctor.
Clinical Breast Screening:
Starting at the age of 20years, this should be conducted periodically. A mammogram is advised for women over 40years or for those younger but with a family history of breast cancer in a first degree relative.
Finally, statistics from the Cancer Research Institute shows that eight (8) out of 100 women in the US will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. 226,000 cases of invasive Breast Cancer were diagnosed in 2011 and 3 million Breast Cancer survivors now live longer healthier lives due to early detection.
Don’t wait any longer, start now. Practice proactive healthy living and preserve your priceless boobs. Taking these active steps and early detection can save lives.
Do something about breast cancer awareness, share with family, friends and all women around you.
We all have a role to play. I have taken action by writing this excerpt, what about you?????
Written by O’ Reese of En-pact Solutions Limited ,2013
Twitter: @OReese2
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